What are the CONSEQUENCES of Poor Hiring?
Harvard Business School has identified that the cost of poor selection at 3 times annual salary!
The true cost of hiring the wrong person is a much-debated subject, with the sky being the limit if irreparable damage is caused to a team, department or even an entire organization. Aside from the immediate actual cost of recruiting, letting go, and then recruiting again, a ‘bad hire’ can affect internal morale, production and sales, and profits . This overall cost can often be multiplied , depending on the level of seniority of the individual concerned.
Capturing complete competency-based data is crucial to making accurate hiring decisions. Recruiters need to prepare Competency Interview Questions in a structured approach, with the same set of questions asked of each candidate in the same order and same way regardless in digital or traditional interviews.
Our Immersive Training will teach you how to select the RIGHT talent, create CBI questions, conduct Effective Interview Sessions, Data Evaluation, Data Integration and How to Work with Hiring Managers for hiring success. You will also learn how to prepare a set of interview questions to identify the suitability of candidates:
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